Student housemates in Montague Gardens, Milnerton, Western Cape

Photo of Lindo Ngewu

Lindo Ngewu

21 years · Male · Student

R 4 000

I'm a male student currently doing my 2nd year at CTU. I'm a very quiet and reserved person. I prefer my peace and spend most of my time studying or sleeping or cooking. I live well with other people. I grew up in a boarding school sharing room with other students. I'm very handy as well as I'm goo...

Roommate looking in: Montague Gardens, Milnerton, Western Cape, Rugby, Milnerton, Western Cape, Tijgerhof, Milnerton, Western Cape, Summer Greens, Milnerton, Western Cape & Milnerton, Western Cape.

Photo of Nial Harding

Nial Harding

56 years · Male · Blogger, thought leader, analytical chemist, project manager and technical courier

R 5 000

I'm a friendly, kind, responsible and caring. I'm looking for a quiet home environment where I can read and work on my blogs, books and YouTube channel. I enjoy my own space and intellectual conversation. Yes I do ride a motorcycle and enjoy nature so might disappear for weekends. I will consider...

Roommate looking in: Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, Western Cape, Brackenfell, Western Cape, Bellville, Western Cape, Durbanville, Western Cape & Pinelands, Cape Town, Western Cape.

Photo of Excellent


29 years · Male · Employed

R 4 000

I'm looking for a room or bachelor to rent around Milnerton R4000 including water and electricity Sharing apartment is also fine If someone is willing to get a 2 bedroom Appointment I can share with him/her Even if it's a Female or Male it's fine as long as the bed rooms are separate Text me...

Roommate looking in: Montague Gardens, Milnerton, Western Cape, Rugby, Milnerton, Western Cape, Parklands, Blouberg, Western Cape, Sanddrift, Milnerton, Western Cape & Milnerton, Western Cape.

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